Sunday, September 21, 2008

We had a great weekend. We took the kids to watch the Chiefs football game on Friday night after picking up Taylor. The kids seemed to enjoy it... even though we lost. Lee had to work on Saturday so it was just the boys and I most of the day. Grandma Cole and Great Grandma came over for a visit in the morning. Then the boys and I ran to town for groceries and stopped at the Farmer's Market where we ran into my parents. We got some fresh produce to make salsa.
Lee was off earlier than anticipated, so the boys were suprised to see him and enjoyed playing with him for the rest of the afternoon. They spent the afternoon outside riding their powerwheels in the field. While they were outside, I made a batch of salsa and a loaf of zuchinni bread. When they finally came in, the boys wanted to play with playdough. I couldn't resist taking a few pictures. Wyatt decided that it didn't taste as good as it looked! We all got a good laugh at him when he tried his first bite. He made the worst face and yelled YUCK, followed by some spitting and brushing his tounge off with his hand. After that, he was content to just "play" with it. :)

1 comment:

The Cole Family said...

Ian loves playdough too.....although it mostly ends up in crumbs all over the floor! At least it gives me a good 1/2 hour of quiet time :)