Saturday, February 21, 2009

You're in BIG trouble mister!!!

The other night Wyatt decided that he wanted to color with markers....something he loves to do. He is usually so careful not to get the marker on the table or the floor. Well, the other night he was being very quite in the kitchen. When I called to him from the living room and asked what he was doing he replied, " just colorin my markers." No big deal...right? A few minutes later I got up for a drink and came around the corner to find this beautiful work of art. I laughed so hard that I couldn't even scold him. So funny that I couldn't resist snapping a few photos. Well, at least he didn't get any on the floor. lol

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

know what! it's after a long time that I have come by a beautiful family blog. Last time it was....mmm... don't remember. but yours is nice. Markers, lol:D